
by Bill ( link to this post | email me | my twitter )


A year ago Gene and I sat down to record audio commentaries of our tenth and eleventh volumes. Today, fulfilling a promise we made in our long-ago Unshelved Goes Digital Kickstarter, I have posted them to our podcast page. They're a lot of fun and we hope you enjoy them too!


by Gene ( shadowdersocks下载 | shadowsock如何使用 | my twitter )


Just wanted to let you know that our books ishadow and the long out of stock Bibliovores are once again available at our store.

(Bill just found a box of Bibliovores. Thought those were long gone but hey, surprise!)


by Ang ( link to this post | email me | my twitter )


We are down to the final day of Audiobook Month, but that doesn't mean you have to set aside your headphones or stop encouraging your patrons to grab some CDs for their summer road trips.

For summer staff picks, ways to celebrate, and an abundance of free materials and resources, please visit our sponsors at Books on Tape and Listening Library.

To learn more about the great voices behind some of the most beloved characters visit shadowdersocksr安卓下载. They are currently spotlighting Thérèse Plummer, shadowdersocks下载, Tim Gerard Reynolds, Ramón de Ocampo, Jared Goldsmith, shadowsock如何使用, and Jim Frangione. Their website also features many other narrators, author profiles, audio clips, and resources.


by Ang ( link to this post | email me | shadowdersocksr安卓下载)


It’s that time of year again… ALA Annual! If you’re in Chicago for this conference be sure to stop by and visit our sponsors for the best author signings, events, galleys, swag, and more. Grey House Publishing even has two Unshelved posters they are giving away, while supplies last! Click the links below for details.

  • Little, Brown Books for Young Readers Booth #2611

  • Grey House Publishing Booth #4724

  • Simon & Schuster Booth #3020


by Gene ( link to this post | email me | my twitter )


I'll be speaking at a few conferences this spring. You can see me:

March 30th (evening keynote) and 31st (morning graphic novel talk) in Hershey, PA, at the Pennsylvania School Librarian's Association conference.

May 3rd in Worcester, MA, at an event for the Massachusetts Library System, I'll be giving two of our keynotes, one on either side of lunch, and I'll also hang out a bit to swap stories.

May 4th in Portsmouth, NH, I'll be giving a at the New Hampshire Library Association Spring Conference.

I'll also be at ALA Annual in June at the first shadowdersocksr安卓下载 booth #1321 with a bunch of new T-shirts and whatever else Chris and I can come up with.

Hope to see you at one of these!


PS: I'm currently booking talks for this fall and next spring. Contact me if you're interested. Details on keynotes and breakout sessions are available on our talks page, but I'm open to other ideas as well.


originally appeared on July 24, 2009.

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